> Wouldn't it essentially need to do a full table scan to look for this substring?
Not a full table scan but a full column values scan. As the json
values (internally stored as strings) are stored in a dictionary,
duplicate column string values are stored only once in the
The JSON data type is internally implemented a subclass of the
STRING data type, so it will have the same performance as if you
would store the JSON values as STRING (or VARCHAR or CLOB) column.
However using JSON data type does provide you extras, such as
check on JSON validity during insert/update and JSON specific
For matching multiple tags, you potentially need to include
multiple conditions such as
tags LIKE '%foo%' OR tags LIKE '%bar%'
However if bar must occur after foo and both must occur then
you can combine them into 1 condition: tags LIKE '%foo%bar%'
Thanks Martin. What are the performance ramifications of using LIKE queries though? Wouldn't it essentially need to do a full table scan to look for this substring? And if I wanted to search for N tags at a time, it would be N full table scans?
On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 7:02 AM, martin van dinther <martin.van.dinther@monetdbsolutions.com> wrote:
Yes this is possible. You will need to use: tags LIKE '%foo%' . So include SQL % wildcards.
Note that LIKE matches case sensitive. To match case insensitive use ILIKE.
bash-4.4$ mclient
Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (unreleased)
Database: MonetDB v11.27.10 (unreleased), 'demo'
Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands
auto commit mode: on
sql>CREATE TABLE my_table (tags json NOT NULL);
operation successful (11.805ms)
sql>INSERT INTO my_table VALUES ('["foo","bar","baz"]');
1 affected row (2.805ms)
sql>SELECT tags FROM my_table;
| tags |
| ["foo","bar","baz"] |
1 tuple (1.944ms)
sql>SELECT tags FROM my_table WHERE tags LIKE '%foo%';
| tags |
| ["foo","bar","baz"] |
1 tuple (2.271ms)
sql>SELECT count(*) FROM my_table WHERE tags LIKE '%foo%';
| L3 |
| 1 |
1 tuple (2.459ms)sql>SELECT count(*) FROM my_table WHERE tags LIKE '%FOO%';
| L3 |
| 0 |
1 tuple (2.265ms)sql>SELECT count(*) FROM my_table WHERE tags ILIKE '%FOO%';
| L3 |
| 1 |
1 tuple (2.437ms)sql>\q
On 06-11-17 17:19, Brian Ploetz wrote:
Suppose I have a table with a "tags" column that is of the JSON datatype (https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Manuals/SQLreference/ ). The column will contain a JSON array of Strings. For example:Types/JSON
Is it possible to query for rows that contain a specific value in the tags array? For example, if I wanted to find all of the rows where tags contains "foo", my query would look something like:
select count(*) from my_table where tags ???? 'foo';
But it's not clear to me what ???? should be (or if it's even possible) based on the JSON documentation above.
Thanks in advance.BP
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