On Dec 22, 2007 1:46 AM, Martin Kersten
m h wrote:
Hey all-
I know that both mysql and postgres (and a host of other open source projects) have benefitted from coverity's offering [0] and klocworks [1] as well. Have these been looked into? It might be worth it have some automated "eyes" along with the "many eyes" of the open source community that make all bugs shallow.
I tried twice to get coverity provide us with a free scan. So far I haven't succeeded. If anybody knows how to get involved in this program, we would greatly appreciate.
Please, check your contact list and help us open doors.
If at first you don't succeed.... I was able to get klokwork to scan a project (that I wasn't a developer at), but not coverity. I would suggest having developers try pinging both companies again. -matt