Thanks for your help, however I still cannot compile. Actually, I just need to work with most current versions of Pathfinder, and maybe try some other branches of that one as well, until I find out where the fixes end up, and which one works for me. Unortunately I was unable to find a detailed description of which branches of what modules are required to build which other branches of whatever modules I need anyway. If someone would be so kind as to show me how I can achieve this without touching CVS, I would be deeply grateful. Until then, I'll try to follow the CVS trail. On 17 July 2008, Stefan Manegold wrote with possible deletions:
In case you prefer to use the CVS sources, and you do not require the latest cutting-edge (potentially instable) development version we recommend to checkout the latest Stable branches. I ust realize that the respective branch tags are not (yet?) listed on the MonetDB web site, hence I'll share them here:
buildtools: MonetDB_1-24 MonetDB: MonetDB_1-24 clients: Clients_1-24 MonetDB4: MonetDB_4-24 MonetDB5: MonetDB_5-6 pathfinder: XQuery_0-24 sql: SQL_2-24 geom: Geom_0-4
Thank you for this information, but compilation fails for MonetDB4 on the 'make' command with the following error message: /home/sk/opt/MonetDB/include/MonetDB/gdk/gdk_system.h:117: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token A detailed description of what I did is in the attached 'report' file, which actually is a bash script. The resulting logfile [1] from report 2>&1 | tee logfile is available for download. Kind regards Stefan ____________________ [1] logfile, link valid for one week, 409565 Bytes https://depot.uni-konstanz.de/get/72fwr6 -- Stefan Klinger o/klettern /\/ bis zum send plaintext only - max size 32kB - no spam \ Abfallen http://stefan-klinger.de