The MonetDB team at CWI/MonetDB BV is pleased to announce the Dec2011-SP1 bugfix release of the MonetDB suite of programs. More information about MonetDB can be found on our website at http://www.monetdb.org/. For details on this release, please see the release notes at http://www.monetdb.org/Downloads/ReleaseNotes. As usual, the download location is http://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/. Dec 2011-SP1 bugfix release Build Environment * Fixed some of the package names for Debian/Ubuntu. Packages for libraries should contain the major number of the library version number. This was not always the case. * On Debian and Ubuntu, install Python modules in dist-packages instead of site-packages. This fixed bug 2997. SQL * Fixed a crash that happened at the end of a database upgrade to the Dec2011 database scheme. The crash happened during cleanup after the database was upgraded, so it was merely inconvenient. * Stripped off implementation-specific parts from error messages before they get presented to the user. Java Module * Fixed bug in DatabaseMetaData.getSchemas() method that caused an SQL error when called with catalog and schema argument. * Resolved a bug where JDBC and Control connections could terminate abruptly with 'Connection closed' messages MonetDB5 Server * Fixed potential crash by dealing better with non-standard types. Merovingian * Fixed a bug in the multiplex-funnel where certain clients would abort on responses for update queries. * Fixed problem where version and mserver properties for monetdbd were not always successfully retrieved. Bug #2982. * Fixed problem where shutdown of monetdbd would lead to shutting down database 'control' which does not exist. Bug #2983. * Fixed issue causing (harmless) 'error reading from control channel' messages. Bug #2984. * Resolved problem where remote start/stop/etc. commands with monetdb would report error 'OK'. Bug #2984. Bug Fixes * 2862: foreign key self references cause violation upon alter table add constraint... * 2933: "TypeException: algebra.join undefined" when evaluating EXISTS (SELECT ...) predicate * 2946: Invalid BAT if left join condition has only columns from right table * 2964: LEFT OUTER JOIN with constants returns errors * 2969: Result precision issue with Decimal data type * 2973: Date coercion functionality tests * 2979: misc merovingian control problems * 2982: monetdbd status and mserver properties have random values * 2983: monetdbd attempts to stop non-existing database 'control' * 2984: monetdb create/release/start/stop returns error "OK" for remote connections * 2995: Test geom/sql/Tests/example.sql crashes since changeset 6399077ff8a4 * 2997: monetdb-python packages installed in wrong dir on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (lucid) * 3004: Incorrect evaluation of conditions in WHERE part of SQL statement * 3009: Segmentation fault on simple query * 3013: calc.and is not yet defined for dbl * 3014: dayofweek comment is wrong in mtime.mx:700 * 3017: rel_bin.c:611: exp_bin: Assertion `0' failed. with between on multicolumns * 3020: Assertion error in debugging mode * 3034: INNER JOIN with Subquery produces mal errors * 3041: WHERE condition ignored after 2 LEFT JOINs with subqueries