Hi all I am running a currently roughly 400G-sized single Monet instance. We load daily CSV files into corresponding tables, and use merge tables to query the data (e.g., feed_20160301, feed_20160302, ... and feed_mt). We have a problem mainly with duplicate tables (same schema + table name, different table_id in sys.tables). My approach is to "DROP TABLE foo" for N - 1 times if there are N copies (is there even a way to SELECT or DROP by table_id?). This seemingly fixes the problem, however after restarting the database, the dropped tables reappear. Similarly, I have some old empty tables, which reappear after being dropped when the database is restarted. We start and stop the database to roll over connections during maintenance. Is this a known issue? Can it be fixed? Not sure how to make this reproducible. Thanks, Nicolas Stalder.