
I’m trying to find an aggregate function to find standard deviation. Does monetDB support such a function?


For example:- to find the average of the selected values we can use- Select AVG(age) from students where grade = 4;


I was taking the help of google and found this link- http://old.nabble.com/users-list-Digest,-Vol-3,-Issue-8-td34660082.html

Then I tried the solution given by Percy Wegmann in the above link. After that when I run this query- Select STDEV(age) from students where grade = 4; [Age being a column of type double AND I get similar kind of error for int]

I get this error –

TypeException:user.s1_1[21]:'aggr.stddev' undefined in: _33:any := aggr.stddev(_


program contains errors


I need to have this function working in order to be able to use MonetDB. Kindly help.


