Hello Jennie, Thank you for correspondence. I've tried with the lastest current RPMs[20070602], but I unfortunately got another errors (trace is attached). Could you check it? thanks, Makoto [20070602] http://monetdb.cwi.nl/testing/projects/monetdb/Current/.DailyBuilds./2007060... On 6/2/2007 1:39 AM, Ying Zhang wrote:
Hello Makoto,
Sorry for the delay, but I have finally removed the limitation on the maximum number of parameters allowed. I hope it still helps. Your query now returns results, instead of error. Although I don't know what the expected output should it, I think it looks quite OK.
My changes have just been checked in into the CVS HEAD branch. It should be available in the next nightly build.
MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = import module namespace test = "xrpc-test-function" at "/usr/share/MonetDB/xrpc/export/xrpc-mod.xq"; (: local database :) declare variable $blast-gb := fn:doc("blast-gb.xml")/result; declare variable $blast-uniprot := fn:doc("blast-uniprot.xml")/result; (: remote basebase :) declare variable $remote-endpoint := "xanadu.naist.jp"; let $gb_entry := (for $e in $blast-gb/BlastOutput let $hit := $e/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit ERROR = !ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): invalid BAT. !ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: insert(param 3): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: leftfetchjoin(param 2): evaluation error. mapi_query_part:1714:import module namespace test = "xrpc-test-function" at "/usr/share/MonetDB/xrpc/export/xrpc-mod.xq"; (: local database :) declare variable $blast-gb := fn:doc("blast-gb.xml")/result; declare variable $blast-uniprot := fn:doc("blast-uniprot.xml")/result; (: remote basebase :) declare variable $remote-endpoint := "xanadu.naist.jp"; let $gb_entry := (for $e in $blast-gb/BlastOutput let $hit := $e/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit where $hit/Hit_num = 1 and $hit/Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_evalue/text() <= 1.0e-8 return $e), $uniprot_entry := (for $e in $blast-uniprot/BlastOutput let $hit := $e/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit where $hit/Hit_num = 1 and $hit/Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_evalue/text() <= 1.0e-8 return $e) where $gb_entry/BlastOutput_query-def/text() = $uniprot_entry/BlastOutput_query-def/text() return <result> { let $gb-hit := $gb_entry/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit, $gb-key := fn:data($gb-hit/Hit_gb/text()) return let $genbank-remote-entries := execute at {$remote-endpoint} { test:q1($gb-key) } for $remote_entry at $pos in $genbank-remote-entries let $gb_definition := $remote_entry/INSDSeq_definition, $gb_feature := $remote_entry/INSDSeq_feature-table/INSDFeature, $blast_evalue := $gb-hit[Hit_gb/text() = $remote_entry/INSDSeq_accession-version/text()]/Hit_hsps/Hsp/Hsp_evalue return <genbank num="{ $pos }">{ $blast_evalue, $gb_definition, $gb_feature } </genbank> } </result> fetch next block: start at:0 got next block: length:248 text:!ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): invalid BAT. !ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: insert(param 3): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: leftfetchjoin(param 2): evaluation error. got complete block: text:!ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): invalid BAT. !ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: insert(param 3): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: leftfetchjoin(param 2): evaluation error. read_line:!ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): invalid BAT. allocating new result set got complete block: text:!ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: insert(param 3): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: leftfetchjoin(param 2): evaluation error. read_line:!ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): evaluation error. got complete block: text:!ERROR: interpret_params: insert(param 3): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: leftfetchjoin(param 2): evaluation error. read_line:!ERROR: interpret_params: insert(param 3): evaluation error. got complete block: text:!ERROR: interpret_params: leftfetchjoin(param 2): evaluation error. read_line:!ERROR: interpret_params: leftfetchjoin(param 2): evaluation error. fetch next block: start at:248 got next block: length:0 text: got complete block: text: read_line: closing result set