Hi Joeri,

If we need to load balance, we can have the same tables sitting over 2 tablesspaces or 2 servers. This can help balance the load coming into same server and can share the load within servers.



From: users-list [mailto:users-list-bounces+sreejith.sharma=harman.com@monetdb.org] On Behalf Of Joeri van Ruth
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 8:22 PM
To: Communication channel for MonetDB users
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there kind of tablespace concepts?


On 17 October 2017 at 14:35:55, Sharma, Sreejith (sreejith.sharma@harman.com) wrote:

Hi All,

Is there any possibility of retrieving the same table from 2 different sources (as similar to 2 tablespaces)?



users-list mailing list 



Hi Sharma!

I’m not entirely sure what you mean with same table from 2 sources, could you give a more detailed example?
