Ok, I went and reset DR. Watson to be the default debugger, and I got
a 0xc0000005 exception http://www.updatexp.com/0xC0000005.html
I guess my problem is DEP related, I have /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN "Enables
DEP for core system images and those specified in the DEP
configuration dialog. " in my boot.ini.
I suppose for now I will either have to run on a VM, or figure out how
to turn off DEP for MonetDB.
Best Regards,
Bryan Rasmussen
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:21 AM, bryan rasmussen
Hmm, I moved the installation to a virtual image I have. The reason is that on my normal environment when I try to run the server after installation I get a Visual Studio JIT debugging message, which seems to be related to the hardcoded path I mentioned earlier. Unfortunately I've uninstalled VS from my normal environment, but I have it in the VM. So I go into the VM and run it and no errors, it runs fine.
Anyone ever see anything like that, have ideas on the fix??
Thanks, Bryan Rasmussen
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:06 AM, bryan rasmussen
wrote: Hi,
I haven't looked at monetdb for a while, but now for a new project I have I think it would be a really good solution. I downloaded the current windows installers yesterday (I want to develop this project on Windows for various reasons, specifically related to demos of another component part of the project I need to get up and running quickly that will need to run on Windows) anyway the installers did not install. I don't necessarily want to compile the source etc. since I didn't want to spend a lot of time on getting the database to work in the demo phase, so the question is: what is the last working Windows MSI version so I can download that version and worry about building a new one later?
The main problem in the installed servers are a hard coded path to a config file, according to the following error message I get:
Could not open file c:\Documents and Settings\sjoerd\My Documents\src\stable\vs32\NT32\etc\monetdb5.conf
I guess I could create that path for the purposes of testing but I would rather get a working version.
Thanks, Bryan Rasmussen