I am trying to compile monetdb MonetDB-11.21.19 from sources where its failing with error below:
[echo] Debug is true, optimise is false
[echo] Compiling MCL
[copy] Copying 1 file to /opt/MonetDB-11.21.19/java/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc
[echo] Configured build for the 2.19 (Liberica) edition driver
[echo] Compiling JDBC driver
[javac] Compiling 1 source file to /opt/MonetDB-11.21.19/java/tests/jar_jdbctests
[javac] This version of java does not support the classic compiler; upgrading to modern
/opt/MonetDB-11.21.19/java/tests/build.xml:75: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/opt/MonetDB-11.21.19/java/build.xml:96: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/MonetDB-11.21.19/java/tests/jar_jdbctests/META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver (No such file or directory)
MonetDB is configured as follows:
* Compilation specifics:
Host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Compiler: gcc (gcc-4.4.7; gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17) Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* Enabled/disabled build options:
strict is disabled (by default)
assert is disabled (by default)
debug is disabled (by default)
optimize is disabled (by default)
developer is disabled (by default)
instrument is disabled (by default)
profile is disabled (by default)
* Enabled/disabled components:
gdk is enabled
monetdb5 is enabled
sql is enabled
geom is disabled (geos-config not found)
console is enabled
gsl is disabled (gsl library not found)
fits is disabled (cfitsio library not found)
netcdf is disabled (netcdf library not found)
microhttpd is disabled (by default)
rintegration is disabled (libR library not found)
odbc is disabled (unixODBC library required for ODBC driver)
jdbc is enabled
control is enabled
testing is enabled
developer is disabled (by default)
strict is disabled (by default)
debug is disabled (by default)
assert is disabled (by default)
optimize is disabled (by default)
* Available features/extensions:
atomic_ops = no (atomic_ops library not found)
bz2 = no (bz2 library not found)
curl = no (libcurl not found)
getaddrinfo = yes
gsl = no (gsl library not found)
java = yes
java_control = yes
java_jdbc = yes
libxml2 = yes
openssl = yes
pcre = yes
perl = yes
pthread = yes
python2 = yes
python3 = no (Python 3 executable not found)
readline = no (readline header file not found)
rubygem = no (no rubygem executable found)
samtools = no (samtools/bam.h header not found)
sphinxclient = no (sphinxclient.h header not found)
unixodbc = no (odbcinst.h not found)
valgrind = no (by default)
zlib = yes
* Important options:
OID size: 64 bits
largest integer type: 128 bits
largest decimal type: 38 digits