thanks could you submit this to http://bugs.monetdb.org/ and then assign
the bug to hannes? that way you'll be notified when it's fixed. thanks
Hannes Mühleisen
Firstly, thanks for the wonderful MonetDBLite package. It certainly speeds up my analysis!
I came acrros an issue that I thought you might want to be aware of. The compute() function doesn't appear to be working with MonetDBLite while collect() does
Building from the example https://www.monetdb.org/blog/monetdblite-r
library(MonetDB.R) ms <- src_monetdb(embedded=dbdir) x<-table(ms,"mtcars") y<-x%>%filter(gear==4) dim(y) [1] 12 11
compute(y) Source: MonetDB () From: lmsomncnjj [0 x 11] Error: n not greater than 0L
I wasn't sure where to post this, so have also posted the issue on dplyr's github page:
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