Hi, I was analysing the Insert performance of MonetDB... I am trying to optimize a process where in a single tuple has to be inserted into a table of 1200 columns, which takes about 7.5 seconds presently... The query has values for only 5 columns out of 1200, yet the speed is still the same.. Is it possible to reduce this time even?? While digging on this, I came across this thread.. https://www.monetdb.org/pipermail/users-list/2005-August/000139.html *What is the insert speed relatively to other DBs?
* Using SQL, with the current version we won't compete very well. We get much more acceptable speeds in 'raw' mode, where lots of the parsing overhead is removed.
Can anyone please help me understand what is the 'raw' mode that is explained in this thread?? I am using Oct-2014 version on a CentOS machine with 128 GB RAM... Thanks & Regards, Vijayakrishna.P. Mobile : (+91) 9500402305.