BTW, my 135 binary files together are 726G. I note the dec2016 release says:
BATattach now copies the input file instead of "stealing" it.
Could this be why it’s gone from 3 minutes to over 3 hours to load this data? My files and monetdb are on the same machine – no network access. And “top” shows nothing of significance running on the machine
except mserver5.
I loved the speed with which I could add new columns to my table by dropping it, re-create the table, COPY BINARY INTO table. Hoping you have ideas to get this back, or an idea on what could be wrong.
Thanks - Lynn
From: users-list <> on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson <>
Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users <>
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:19 PM
To: Communication channel for MonetDB users <>
Subject: DEC2016-SP2 and BINARY bulk load
Hi all –
I have always used the COPY BINARY INTO … commands to load my 2.0 Billion row genetic data into a monetdb table. With 135 columns, it has been blindingly fast.
Last week I moved from the June2016-SP2 release to dec2016-SP2. My binary loads are taking WAY longer. I killed one after 3 hours (via “call sys.stop(pid)” so it could clean up properly). I then started
the load again, thinking perhaps the problem was related to the new columns I was adding.
I have since dropped the table and remade it using the same data and scripts that worked in just over 3 minutes in February on the jun2016-SP2 load. It is really chugging along – I’m up to 30 minutes and counting. I don’t have access to the sql log files,
but the Merovingian.log shows nothing.
I do notice that previously the binary files, once loaded, were removed from the loading directly. This does not happen now. Were these files previously “moved” and now they are copied?
Has anyone see this performance issue with Dec2016-SP2 COPY BINARY INTO …. Commands?
Thanks - Lynn