Hi, I've built from source MonetDB and I'm following the steps at the tutorial: https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/UserGuide/Tutorial I've successfully created the dbfarm but I can't proceed beyond the second step. Monetdb returns after ~30 seconds with the following message: $ dbms/bin/monetdbd start data/ another monetdbd is already running I 'm sure no other monetdb instance is running in the system. For the record, get all looks as follows: $ dbms/bin/monetdbd get all data/ property value hostname sgs-r815-02 dbfarm data status a monetdbd is serving this dbfarm, but a pidfile was not found/is corrupt mserver unknown (failed to connect to monetdbd) logfile data/merovingian.log pidfile data/merovingian.pid sockdir /tmp port 50000 exittimeout 60 forward proxy discovery true discoveryttl 600 control no passphrase <unknown> mapisock /tmp/.s.monetdb.50000 controlsock /tmp/.s.merovingian.50000 I had no problems with the whole process when I installed the system on my desktop a few days ago. Any hints ? Dimitris