Hi Fabian,
Thanks for looking into this. The reason why i want this is that I can't figure out why my udf function does not work. I added a MAL function to the udf.c and related files, it works when i used it in mal client, but can't make it work in sql after creating a sql function. 
I checked the udf.reverse example, looks like it need only a SQL function for the scalar version of reverse, and the batudf.reverse will be used automatically if i "select reverse(colname) from table". Anyway, i tried different combination, my scalar version udf function works, but BAT version don't work, thinking that sql_debug might provide some info for me before i jump into gdb.

As to setting this parameter, i know i can use mserver5 --config=filename, or just mserver5 --set sql_debug, but don't know how to let monetdbd to use a configuration file.

thanks for your help!

> From: users-list-request@monetdb.org
> Subject: users-list Digest, Vol 3, Issue 4
> To: users-list@monetdb.org
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 12:00:01 +0100
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: set sql_debug in monetdb configuration file (Fabian Groffen)
> 2. Re: Standard Deviation, Variance, and Quantile Functions
> (Fabian Groffen)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 08:35:51 +0100
> From: Fabian Groffen <Fabian.Groffen@cwi.nl>
> To: Communication channel for MonetDB users <users-list@monetdb.org>
> Subject: Re: set sql_debug in monetdb configuration file
> Message-ID: <20121105073551.GF49556@cwi.nl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On 04-11-2012 23:10:22 -0800, Liwen -George- Zhang wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I want to set?sql_debug=16384 for mserver5, where can i set this value? I
> > can't find any documentation on where's the monetdb configuration file.
> Why would you want that?
> If you're sure you want so, it should be clear to you how to do that as
> well. This is absolutely not a supported mode of operation.
> Fabian
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 08:42:49 +0100
> From: Fabian Groffen <Fabian.Groffen@cwi.nl>
> To: Communication channel for MonetDB users <users-list@monetdb.org>
> Subject: Re: Standard Deviation, Variance, and Quantile Functions
> Message-ID: <20121105074249.GH49556@cwi.nl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On 04-11-2012 08:10:51 -0500, Anthony Damico wrote:
> > a 2010 post offering to add these functions to the main release code.
> >
> > [2]http://mail.monetdb.org/pipermail/users-list/2010-January/003836.html
> >
> > What would be the easiest way to get MonetDB to produce standard deviations,
> > variances, and quantiles (let's say the 25th percentile)?
> >
> > From the discussion list, it looks like people have succeeded in doing it,
> > but they're probably much more advanced users than I am.? ;)
> http://bugs.monetdb.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2454#c18 suggests stddev and
> median have been added (niels), so if they aren't there, file a new bug,
> or reopen the old one.
> Fabian
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> End of users-list Digest, Vol 3, Issue 4
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