On Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:19:08 +0100
Fabian Groffen
Ok, I looked it up in the SQL99 book. LOCAL and GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES should persist till the end of the SQL session, after which they are automatically dropped. Seems like an SQL session is defined as 'excution of one or more consecutive SQL statements by a single user'. It's not said that clear, but it looks as if the session indeed is equal to the life span of the connection. In that case it looks as if MonetDB/SQL's current way of doing it is wrong.
My experiences are with Sql Server and Postgres and with these it is the life span of the connection. In fact with postgres, there are 3 different options: (1) create temp table tbl (..) on commit preserve rows (2) create temp table tbl (..) on commit delete rows (3) create temp table tbl (..) on commit drop Option 1 is the default when there is no 'on commit' clause given and this gives the connection-based life span. It seems Monet DB is implementing option 3 (which is also a useful behaviour) but it would of course be nice to have all these possibilities. Lee.