I'm using Monet 11.5 on Ubuntu 11.04. Ive created a database and am attempting to run a series of queries against it with a test script. This is in attempt to use Monet with Apache Jena. I had earlier mailed about a problem with temp tables, but have dodged that by using the monetdb account for now. The first few succeed, but then I get the following error: java.sql.SQLException: Read from localhost:50000: End of stream reached (mserver still alive?) Why does this happen, under what circumstances does it arise ? Is there anything I can do to avoid it ? This is the query that it fails on: SELECT R_1.lex AS V_1_lex, R_1.datatype AS V_1_datatype, R_1.lang AS V_1_lang, R_1.type AS V_1_type, R_2.lex AS V_2_lex, R_2.datatype AS V_2_datatype, R_2.lang AS V_2_lang, R_2.type AS V_2_type FROM ( SELECT T_1.s AS X_1 FROM Triples AS T_1 WHERE ( T_1.p = 2004134117598721274 AND T_1.o = 435905340492217258 ) ) AS T_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Triples AS T_2 ON ( T_2.p = 3816485599920428794 AND T_1.X_1 = T_2.s ) LEFT OUTER JOIN Nodes AS R_1 ON ( T_1.X_1 = R_1.hash ) LEFT OUTER JOIN Nodes AS R_2 ON ( T_2.o = R_2.hash )