On 16-07-2009 12:23:21 -0500, Ross Bates wrote:
Trying to get Merovingian to act as a front end to MonetDB cluster. When I start the Mero service this shows up in the log.
2009-07-16 11:28:10 ERR merovingian[2276]: HELO message: error while sending message: Network is unreachable 2009-07-16 11:28:10 ERR merovingian[2276]: ANNC message: error while sending message: Network is unreachable
I can connect back and forth between the two Mero/Monet instances using mclient --lsql, but for some reason the instances of Mero can't discover eachother.
I think Mero is using UDP which could be contributing to the issue. Any tips for troubleshooting Mero connectivity over UDP?
Indeed, discovery is done using UDP. I did change some things in the current development version of MonetDB, which might solve this problem, but I'm not sure. Normally, the "Network is unreachable" message indicates a routing table problem.
Related to this, is there anyway I can just tell one instance of Mero about the other without auto discovery and proxy that way?
There is a feature request [1] for that because some nodes may be located where normal broadcasting won't go. [1] https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2801350&group_id=56967&atid=482471