DuckDB is the current research prototype from CWI Database Architectures group. You should only use it if you are not afraid of debugging. 

MonetDB is still in use for research, but also on quite a  few industry deployments. It is primarily developed in MonetDB Solutions, a spinoff company from CWI. 

Both systems are quite mature, but the focus is on research for DuckDB and innovative applications for MonetDB.

A non-official answer, hope it helps, 


Please excuse brevity - sent from a mobile.

Op do 16 jul. 2020 08:44 schreef Mark Clements <>:
It is exciting to see the release of MonetDB/e - congratulations.

I have two questions to offer. First, has anyone begun work on an R package? As a follow-up question if not, which of MonetDB.R, MonetDBLite or DuckDB packages for R would be a better starting point?

Second, could someone kindly explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of using either MonetDB/e or DuckDB, please? They both seem to come from CWI, so this is a little confusing.

Sincerely, Mark.

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