21 Sep
21 Sep
4:01 p.m.
# MonetDB 5 server v11.21.3 "Jul2015" # Serving database 'marketscan', using 4 threads # Compiled for x86_64-pc-winnt/64bit with 64bit OIDs dynamically linked # Found 64.000 GiB available main-memory. # Copyright (c) 1993-July 2008 CWI. # Copyright (c) August 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved # Visit http://www.monetdb.org/ for further information # Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb:// # Start processing logs sql/sql_logs version 52200 # Start reading the write-ahead log 'sql_logs\sql\log.211' # Finished reading the write-ahead log 'sql_logs\sql\log.211' !ERROR: log_sequence_: write failed # Finished processing logs sql/sql_logs # MonetDB/SQL module loaded > ========================= > pid <- monetdb.server.start( batfile ) > dbname <- "marketscan" > dbport <- 49700 > monet.url <- paste0( "monetdb://localhost:" , dbport , "/" , dbname ) > db <- dbConnect( MonetDB.R() , monet.url , wait = TRUE ) Server not ready(cannot open the connection), retrying (ESC or CTRL+C to abort) > dbListTables(db) Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) : Unable to execute statement 'select schemas.name as sn, tables.name as tn from sys.tables join sys.schemas on tables.schema_id=sc...'. Server says 'ERROR: BBPdir_subcommit: Syncing BBP.dir file failed' [#GDKerror:]. > dbListTables(db) Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) : Unable to execute statement 'select schemas.name as sn, tables.name as tn from sys.tables join sys.schemas on tables.schema_id=sc...'. Server says 'ERROR: GDKsave: error on: name=06\651, ext=timprints, mode=0' [#GDKerror:]. > dbListTables(db) [1] "ccaea" "ccaed" "ccaef" "ccaei" "ccaeo" [6] "ccaep" "ccaes" "ccaet" "redbook" "state" [11] "wgt" "ccaea_st_wt" "ccaet_st_wt" "ccaes_monthly" "ccaes_annual" [16] "ccaeo_monthly" "ccaeo_annual" "ccaed_monthly" "ccaed_annual" "ccaes_admmon_xwalk" [21] "ccaes_monthly_wxw" "ccaed_svcmon_xwalk" "ccaed_monthly_wxw" "ccaeo_svcmon_xwalk" "ccaeo_monthly_wxw" [26] "acons_pre" "mcons_pre" "ccs" "acons_diag" "mcons_diag" [31] "readm" "acons_readm" "mcons_readm" "mcons" "acons" > > > # create a temporary person-year table > dbSendQuery( + db , + 'CREATE TABLE temp AS + SELECT + datatyp , + yr , + enrolid , + SUM( wgt ) AS sum_wgt , + SUM( CAST( ( rx_pay ) > 250 AS INTEGER ) ) AS rx_pay_above_250 , + SUM( CAST( ( rx_copay + rx_coins + rx_deduct ) > 250 AS INTEGER ) ) AS rx_copay_coins_deduct_above_250 + FROM + mcons + WHERE + datatyp = 1 + GROUP BY + datatyp , yr , enrolid + ORDER BY + datatyp , yr , enrolid + WITH DATA' + ) Error in readBin(con, "integer", n = 1, size = 2, signed = FALSE, endian = "little") : error reading from the connection > # # # # mserver is dead