No command line switch. Feel free to patch the code: $ tail -n+1856 clients/mapiclient/mclient.c | head -23 case Q_UPDATE: SQLqueryEcho(hdl); if (formatter == RAWformatter || formatter == TESTformatter) { mnstr_printf(toConsole, "[ %" PRId64 "\t]\n", mapi_rows_affected(hdl)); } else if (formatter != TRASHformatter) { aff = mapi_rows_affected(hdl); lid = mapi_get_last_id(hdl); mnstr_printf(toConsole, "%" PRId64 " affected row%s", aff, aff != 1 ? "s" : ""); if (lid != -1) { mnstr_printf(toConsole, ", last generated key: " "%" PRId64, lid); } mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\n"); } timerHuman(sqloptimizer, maloptimizer, querytime, singleinstr, false); continue; case Q_SCHEMA: ----- On Mar 15, 2018, at 5:34 PM, Eyal Rozenberg E.Rozenberg@cwi.nl wrote:
When you perform an insert or update using mclient, you get a line printed saying "n rows affected".
Now, I can avoid this line if I use -f trash on the command line - but I don't want to give up on actual output. I can also pass the output through a grep -Ev "^[0-9]+ rows affected$" as a filter, but I was wondering if I could just turn that message off somehow.
I couldn't find a command-line switch which would have this effect.
Eyal _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
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