9 Jun
9 Jun
2:28 p.m.
Hello, I seem to have difficulties with mserver.exe. I would like to use MonetDB on a Windows 64 bit computer, so... 1) ...I went to https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/Windows/Jan2014-SP2/ 2) ...and first installed the MonetDB ODBC driver, 32 bit (to C:\Program Files (x86)\MonetDB\MonetDB ODBC Driver\) 3) ...then I installed the MonetDB ODBC driver, 64 bit (to C:\Program Files\MonetDB\MonetDB ODBC Driver\) 4) ...and finally I installed the MonetDB SQL server and client, 64 bit (to C:\Program Files\MonetDB\MonetDB5\). When I open up mserver.exe, it shuts down immediately. Does anyone know what could have gone wrong? I would appreciate any hint. Thanks in advance. Kaspar Burger