9 Jun
9 Jun
5:05 p.m.
Is it possible to Update Join in Monet? I need something like this... (just an example) UPDATE MY_TABLE AS a, ( SELECT (SUM( t.mins * t.acpm ) / t.rcpmax) AS calc1 (SUM( t.mins * t.acxh ) / t.acxmax) AS calc2 FROM MY_TABLE AS t GROUP BY t.source, t.name_id ) AS q SET a.awc = q.calc1, a.lcr = q.calc2 WHERE a.source = q.source AND a.name_id = q.name_id When I try to execute this type of query, I get this error... syntax error, unexpected AS, expecting SET in: "update sb_rmsv.rmsv_nts_nt_sum_report as"