I've used MonetDB on Ubuntu using the .deb package and there is no
init.d script created to start/stop merovingian. (That would be a nice
addition, if only for consistency.)
When I got the error starting merovingian, I would just do a:
"sudo mkdir /var/run/MonetDB" and try again and it would work.
I ended up creating my own init.d script and I had to check and create
the /var/run/MonetDB if needed. I never figured out what exactly was
removing the directory. I just figured merovingain was being overly
tidy when shutting down.
IMHO, if it is going to be so tidy as to create .pid files in its own
directory, it should take responsibility for creating the needed
sub-directory when it first starts.
--- On Mon, 4/19/10, Fabian Groffen
From: Fabian Groffen
Subject: Re: [MonetDB-users] monetdb/merovingian To: monetdb-users@lists.sourceforge.net Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 3:02 PM On 19-04-2010 15:43:04 -0400, dariuszs wrote: Hi, What do we do now? Thanks. Dariusz.
So, you are on ubuntu, and use our .deb-files to install MonetDB. How exactly do you start the server? Is there some init.d script?
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