See http://www.monetdb.org/Developers/ReportingABug On 9/24/13 6:16 PM, Ying Zhang wrote:
Hello Edgar,
To be able to look into your problem, we need at least the following additional information:
- which MonetDB version are you using? - On which OS and how did you install it? - Schema of your data - Sample data with which we can reproduce the crash.
With kind regards,
Jennie Zhang
On Sep 16, 2013, at 17:44, Edgar Mejia wrote:
select sum(minutosfacturados),succodigo,montht,comnombre2 from bi_con_cdr_diario as cdr inner join timedimension as td on cdr.idtimedimension=td.id where comcodigo=4 group by succodigo,comnombre2,montht;
but for example as this query work fine:
select sum(minutosfacturados),succodigo,montht from bi_con_cdr_diario as cdr inner join timedimension as td on cdr.idtimedimension=td.id where comcodigo=4 group by succodigo,montht;
What i need to do for to fix this?
Edgar M _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org http://mail.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
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