On 10/27/11 9:59 PM, nat lu wrote:
I'm using Monet 11.5 on Ubuntu 11.04.
Ive created a database and am attempting to run a series of queries against it with a test script. This is in attempt to use Monet with Apache Jena. I had earlier mailed about a problem with temp tables, but have dodged that by using the monetdb account for now.
The first few succeed, but then I get the following error:
java.sql.SQLException: Read from localhost:50000: End of stream reached (mserver still alive?) Can you check the tail of the merovingian.log file in the dbfarm? It may report on issues encountered during the request. (Please note the time stamp)
Why does this happen, under what circumstances does it arise ? Is there anything I can do to avoid it ?
This is the query that it fails on:
SELECT R_1.lex AS V_1_lex, R_1.datatype AS V_1_datatype, R_1.lang AS V_1_lang, R_1.type AS V_1_type, R_2.lex AS V_2_lex, R_2.datatype AS V_2_datatype, R_2.lang AS V_2_lang, R_2.type AS V_2_type FROM ( SELECT T_1.s AS X_1 FROM Triples AS T_1 WHERE ( T_1.p = 2004134117598721274 AND T_1.o = 435905340492217258 ) ) AS T_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Triples AS T_2 ON ( T_2.p = 3816485599920428794 AND T_1.X_1 = T_2.s ) LEFT OUTER JOIN Nodes AS R_1 ON ( T_1.X_1 = R_1.hash ) LEFT OUTER JOIN Nodes AS R_2 ON ( T_2.o = R_2.hash )
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