On 06-04-2011 00:03:27 -0700, Ramkumarlak wrote:
Does anyone from MonetDB team help me..?
Sure, but we can't in this case.
Ramkumarlak wrote:
To kill the query I tried to stop the database using "monetdb stop <dbname>"
When I restarted using "monetdb start <dbname>" I got the following error.
2011-03-30 17:29:02 ERR control[10339]: (local): failed to fork mserver: database 'concurrenttest' has inconsistent state (sabaoth administration reports running, but process seems gone), review merovingian's logfile for any peculiarities
(Note: There were no dml queries at that time)
Restarting one more time worked.
Since we would like to use it in production (24/7) we have some doubts.
* Is there any command to get the list of current running queries ?
* Are there any chances of data corruption if the server gets killed abruptly ? Is there any way to detect data corruption if it happens ?
The answer here should be "no". Simply because the database is built upon the idea that no matter in what state the system goes down, it always remains consistent. The next startup will then cleanup.
* What is your recommended way of backing up. (We use linux).
use msqldump, and compress the output using xz or bz2.
* Monetdb doesn't seem to support replication. Do you have any workarounds for ensuring availability ?
If you maintain the replicas yourself, you can use monetdbd's sharing features to get round-robin access to a set of machines. See the manpage.