On 11-08-2008 12:31:44 +0200, Stefan Manegold wrote:
One last thing, i'm sure i read somewhere that the sql implementation is the same as postgresql. Is this still correct, and is the implementation exactly the same or are there some exceptions?
Well, we do not follow or copy any other SQL implementation (in particular not their modification and/or extensions of the standard), but rather (try to) stick to teh standard. For details see
More or less. PostgreSQL in general conforms to the standard, just like us. This makes us more "compatible" to PostgreSQL, than for instance to MySQL (let's call it a "database" for a second). We have certain extensions that are directly inspired by PostgreSQL, such as their inet type, and the way in which we do sequence types. We do have their "serial" type, next to the SQL:03 defined standard functions for them. In general, PostgreSQL has been a great source of inspiration for our SQL engine in the past.