mclient interactive MonetDB/XQuery session: type an XQuery or XQUF update. Supported document-management XQuery extensions: pf:collections() as node() pf:documents($collectionName as xs:string) as node() pf:del-doc($documentName as xs:string) pf:add-doc($uri as xs:string, $documentName as xs:string [,$collectionName as xs:string [,$freePercentage as xs:integer]]) Session commands: <> - send query to server (or CTRL-Z) \? - show this message \file - save response in file, or stdout if no file is given \|cmd - pipe result to process, or stop when no command is given \t - toggle timer \G - switch to algebra frontend \g - switch to old frontend \f - result format: dm or xml[-noheader][-typed|-noroot|-root-FOOBAR] \L file - save client/server interaction \X - trace mclient code \q - terminate session xquery>\f xml-noheader-noroot xquery>\^V'l@i k type error: no variant of function pf:text accepts the gi ven argument type(s): item*; string !type error: maybe you meant: !type error: pf:text (node*, string) as node* !type error: illegal arguments for function pf:text != TEST xquery> --------------------------------------------------------- xquery>\\\\\