Sorry forgot to include on my email the error received.

Error loading data: 22000!Failed to import table line 1 field 2 'json' expected in '{\"data\":[{\"cdr_dialnumber\":\"5579996871820\"}]}'


Ariel Abadi
Direct: +54 11 5279.2054
Mobile:+54 9 11 6050.0101

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Ariel Abadi <> wrote:

Can someone help me ? Im trying to upload a CSV file with json data, but Im receiving an error. Does anybody has an idea how to solve this?

Thks in advance

mclient  -s"COPY 1 RECORDS INTO traf.jsontbl FROM STDIN  USING  DELIMITERS  '|','\n','\"' NULL AS 'null'" - < j.csv

The data on j.csv is:

TABLE  traf.xx
sql>\d jsontbl 
CREATE TABLE "traf"."jsontbl" (
"b" JSON