29 Nov
29 Nov
9:16 a.m.
On 29-11-2006 09:52:47 +0100, JLP00993@correo.aeat.es wrote:
I have another question about connecting iSQL-Viewer 2.1.8 to Monet 4.12.0 database in Windows 2000 with default installation and parameters in both applications (Monet and iSQL-Viewer).
What must I put in fields below?
Connection Name: 6BFEBCE1C2BA581C MonetDB/SQL
JDBC Driver: org.isqlviewer.sql.J2EEAdapterDriver nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDriver
JDBC URL: ???? jdbc:monetdb://hostname/database
Username: adm monetdb
Password: ???? monetdb
(or any other user you created)
and would know also these fields when the database's operating system was Suse Linux.
For linux this should be the same.