Hi Hancel,
can you execute by hand the exact command line to start mserver5 as reported in the log and check/report what happens?
Hancel Gonzalez
i have a problem:
i installed *monetdb 11.9.7 *from source code and created the database farm and the database with commands *monetdbd *and *monetdb, *respectively.
The problem is when i try connect to the database (*mclient*) and dont work, see the log file but i dont how to solve.
Please, anyone can help me to solve?
This is the message in log file:
*2013-08-26 21:48:41 MSG merovingian[7622]: starting database 'Berlin10MDB', up min/avg/max: 0s/0s/0s, crash average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0-0=0)* * * *2013-08-26 21:48:41 MSG Berlin10MDB[7668]: arguments: /usr/local/bin/mserver5 --set gdk_dbfarm=/home/gdesimone/monet_data --dbname=Berlin10MDB --set merovingian_uri=mapi:monetdb://Athena:50000/Berlin10MDB --set mapi_open=false --set mapi_port=0 --set mapi_usock=/home/gdesimone/monet_data/Berlin10MDB/.mapi.sock --set monet_vault_key=/home/gdesimone/monet_data/Berlin10MDB/.vaultkey --set gdk_nr_threads=4 --set max_clients=64 --set sql_optimizer=default_pipe --set monet_daemon=yes* * * *2013-08-26 21:48:41 MSG merovingian[7622]: database 'Berlin10MDB' (7668) has exited with exit status 127* * * *2013-08-26 21:48:41 ERR merovingian[7622]: client error: database 'Berlin10MDB' appears to shut itself down after starting, check monetdbd's logfile for possible hints* * * Many thanks!
Regards, Hancel.
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