Hi monetDB collective, I thought I would post to the list my current monetDB vs MySQL command list, as I had a bit of trouble working out how to do some routine admin stuff. I have to go and do some real work now, so I will update this later and post a more complete version. I would be grateful for any comments. Cheers, T Mysql command:CREATE DATABASE test1; The equivilent monetDB command is accessed using the monetDB tool from the command line; [root@localhost ~]$ monetdb create test1 warning: merovingian is not running successfully created database 'test1' Mysql command:SHOW DATABASES; The equivilent monetDB command is accessed using the monetDB tool from the command line; [root@localhost ~]# monetdb status warning: merovingian is not running name state uptime health last crash demo running 8m 38s 50%, 0s 2009-05-08 09:44:05 test1 stopped Mysql command:USE DATABASE test1; I don't think that you can change the database context using SQL within the client, so it would seem the way to access another database is to login to another client session with the alternative database name; shell> mclient -lsql --database=test1 sql> Mysql command:SHOW TABLES; shell> mclient -lsql --database=test1 sql>sql>select * from tables where system = false; I've not yet noted what the direct equivilents of these commands are; DESCRIBE TABLE; SHOW CREATE TABLE; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASENAME.* to SOMEONE@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "PASSWORD"; mysqldump --opt -u username -p database > database_backup.sql mysql -u username -p database < database_backup.sql And I'm not entirely clear how a schema works, I'm guessing similar to the oracle model.