Hi Jennie,

for this issue I have created a defect


This defect has already been resolved by Niels.

Yesterday I have downloaded the latest sources that included the fix implemented by Niels. I compiled the sources and executed the same queries (2000 times). I can confirm the issue is resolved for me, the .tail files are being deleted after the query has been executed. This is fantastic, thank you very much for the super fast fix!

Will there be a new official release or service pack in the near future?



Ying Zhang <Y.Zhang@cwi.nl> schrieb am 9:14 Sonntag, 18.Oktober 2015:

Hello Alex (and Dennis),

Are you still have this problem?  When was your MonetDB (compiled and) installed (source or using installer)?  We’ve recently (after the Jul2015 release) fixed some leak in MonetDB, e.g., this: http://dev.monetdb.org/hg/MonetDB?cmd=changeset;node=773e781c6a1b

Would you please refresh your MonetDB installation (you’ll need to install from our Mercurial source) and try if your problem persists?

And indeed, a bug report with script/information/data to reproduce this problem is highly appreciated.

For mission critical problems, you might want to consider the services of MonetDB Solutions.



> On Oct 15, 2015, at 07:08, Stefan Manegold <Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl> wrote:
> Dear Alex et al.,
> Sorry for the inconveniences.
> Please file a bug report via http://bugs.monetdb.org .
> For commercial support, you might also want to consider contacting MonetDB Solutions (cf., http://www.monetdbsolutions.com).
> Best,
> Stefan
> On October 15, 2015 6:07:24 AM CEST, abraun_75@yahoo.de wrote:
> Hi Dennis,
> thank you very much for sharing your experience as well.
> As you face the same issue and as we are not able to restart the server several times per day I believe that we might have to look for a different dbms.
> I would consider this as a serious bug and I am just wondering if there is a way to open a defect and if someone is going to fix this in a future release.
> Thanks again,
> Alex
> Denn! is Pallett <dennis@pallett.nl> schrieb am 4:03 Mittwoch, 14.Oktober 2015:
> This is happening for us as well on Ubuntu 14.04 (actually in a ubuntu-based Docker image). See attached screenshot showing the disk usage on our MonetDB server. The drop in disk usage occurs when the dbfarm is restarted nightly (for a backup).
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