Dear all, please read the following carefully till the end! To prepare the upcoming release of MonetDB, I just created the respective new release branches in CVS and set new version numbers accordingly: module branch version ---------- ----------------- ----------- buildtools MonetDB_1-16 - MonetDB MonetDB_1-16 1.16.0 clients Clients_1-16 1.16.0 MonetDB4 MonetDB_4-16 4.16.0 MonetDB5 MonetDB_5-0_beta1 5.0.0_beta1 template MonetDB_1-16 0.1.3 sql SQL_2-16 2.16.0 pathfinder XQuery_0-16 0.16.0 Please recall: All bug-fixes go to the new release branches (see below), only! All new features go to the development trunks, only! Any violation of these rules might be "punished" by a forced undo of the respective changes. As usually, we will take care of propagating bug-fixes from the new release branches to the development trunks on an (ir)regular basis or on kind request. Upgrading your MonetDB version =============================== Please read the following *before* starting any upgrade attempt! Binary installation & source tarballs ------------------------------------- In case you're using binary installation (Windows Installer or RPMs) or source tarballs, please be patient for a few more days. We plan to finish the release before end of this week, including the respective documentation. CVS sources ----------- In case you're using CVS sources, please note that there have been two major changes: 1) The former "MonetDB" CVS module has been split in three CVS modules, a) "MonetDB" still contains the old common source base, in particular src/common/ and src/gdk/ . b) The new "clients" CVS module contains the GDK-independent code base for the MAPI-based clients, i.e., the code from former MonetDB/src/mapi/ as well as from former sql/src/jdbc/ and sql/src/odbc/ . c) The new "MonetDB4" CVS module contains the well known MonetDB Version 4 server, including the MIL interpreter (src/monet/) and the MIL extension modules (src/modules/). 2) The formerly CWI-internal code base for the new MonetDB Version 5 server ("monet5") has become public on SourceForge as CVS module "MonetDB5" (next to "MonetDB4"). "MonetDB5" introduces the new MAL interpreter as well as various new features. See the upcoming release announcement for more details. In case you used to use the "monet5" code at/from CWI, you should read http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=31481666&forum_id=39803 for details how to upgrade to "MonetDB5" from SourceForge. The build a complete MonetDB4 (MIL) or MonetDB5 (MAL) server, you need to first get, compile and install buildtools, MonetDB, and clients in that order. Then you can compile and install MonetDB4, MonetDB5, or both. But *before* doing so, please read till the end of this message! Updating CVS existing sources ----------------------------- Please follow the subsequent steps in the given order! Before upgrading to the new release branches --- at least if you've been using MonetDB 4.14, MonetDB/SQL 2.14, MonetDB/XQuery 0.14 any older version, or MonetDB 4.15, MonetDB/SQL 2.15, MonetDB/XQuery 0.15 before the "repository split" --- it is mandatory to clean-up any previous installation of MonetDB. There are various ways to do so: In case you are using a distinctive prefix directory (the one you specified with the --prefix option of configure) only for MonetDB software, and your default database (<prefix>/var/MonetDB/dbfarm/) does not contain any crucial/important data, the easiest way is to remove the whole prefix directory (rm -r <prefix>). In case you installed MonetDB into a prefix directory that also contains other software (e.g., /usr/, /usr/local/, ~/local/, etc.), but you still have your ("old") build directories intact, call `make uninstall` in all build directories in *reverse* order of installation, e.g., ( cd <amdb-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <pruning-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <xml-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <pathfinder-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <sql-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <template-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <monet5-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <MonetDB5-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <MonetDB4-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <clients-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <MonetDB-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) ( cd <buildtools-builddir> && make uninstall && make clean ) In case none of the above two options applies to you please make sure that you at least remove the following directories: rm -r <prefix>/share/MonetDB rm -r <prefix>/include/MonetDB rm -r <prefix>/lib/MonetDB rm -r <prefix>/lib64/MonetDB Then, you should clean up your build directories (those where you called configure for the various parts of the code base): In case your build directories are different from your source directories (as recommended), you can simple delete (rm -r) them all completely. In case your build directories are identical with you source directories, and you haven't called `make clean` together with `make uninstall` before), call `make clean` in all build directories in *reverse* order of installation, e.g., ( cd <amdb-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <pruning-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <xml-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <pathfinder-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <sql-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <template-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <MonetDB5-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <monet5-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <MonetDB4-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <clients-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <MonetDB-builddir> && make clean ) ( cd <buildtools-builddir> && make clean ) Finally, you're ready to upgrade your existing CVS sources as follows (skip those parts you do not have yet): ( cd buildtools && cvs update -dP -r MonetDB_1-16 ) ( cd MonetDB && cvs update -dP -r MonetDB_1-16 ) ( cd clients && cvs update -dP -r MonetDB_1-16 ) ( cd MonetDB4 && cvs update -dP -r MonetDB_4-16 ) ( cd MonetDB5 && cvs update -dP -r MonetDB_5-0_beta1 ) ( cd template && cvs update -dP -r MonetDB_1-16 ) ( cd sql && cvs update -dP -r SQL_2-16 ) ( cd pathfinder && cvs update -dP -r XQuery_0-16 ) Getting new CVS sources ----------------------- Once you updated your existing CVS source, or in case you (want to) start with a complete new check-out, you can get the (missing) MonetDB source from the CVS repository on SourceForge as follows. (Skip those part that you already updated above and/or those parts that you do not want/need. Recall the following dependencies: MonetDB[45] require buildtools, MonetDB & clients; template & sql require at least one of MonetDB[45]; pathfinder requires MonetDB4.) Developers with ssh access replace <access> by :ext:<username>; others replace <access> by :pserver:anonymous for anonymous pserver access. cvs -d <access>@monetdb.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/monetdb co -P -rMonetDB_1-16 buildtools MonetDB clients template cvs -d <access>@monetdb.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/monetdb co -P -rMonetDB_4-16 MonetDB4 cvs -d <access>@monetdb.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/monetdb co -P -rMonetDB_5-0_beta1 MonetDB5 cvs -d <access>@monetdb.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/monetdb co -P -rSQL_2-16 sql cvs -d <access>@monetdb.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/monetdb co -P -rXQuery_0-16 pathfinder Compilation and installation ---------------------------- Once all desired/required source are up-to-date you can compile and in stall the parts one by one as follows (recall, we recommend to use separate build directories). (Again, skip the parts that you don't want/need.) sourcebase=/my/source/base prefix=/my/target/prefix export PATH=$prefix/bin:$PATH export PYTHONPATH="$prefix/`python -c 'import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(0,0,"")'`" for i in buildtools MonetDB clients MonetDB4 MonetDB5 template sql pathfinder ; do source=$sourcebase/$i build=$source/_BUILD_ mkdir -p $build ( cd $source && ./bootstrap && ( cd $build && $source/configure --prefix=$prefix && make && make install ) ) done That should be it. Enjoy! In case you have any questions and.or problems please feel free to use the bug tracker at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=56967, or the respective mailing lists https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/monetdb-developers and/or https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/monetdb-users . Kind regards The MonetDB developer team. -- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |