After building with "monetdb-install.sh --enable-sql", The default .mserver5.dbinit contains: include sql;sql.start(); the "sql.start();" command triggers an error found in mserver5.log in the dbfarm. == mserver5.log: START 2007-05-17 08:13:02 #include sql; sql.start(); # function user.main():void; # 0 (main:void) #command startQuery(s:str):void # 1 (_1:str) #address SQLstartQuery # 2 (_2:str) #comment "Initialize tracing query performance"; # 3 (_3:str) #command exitQuery(s:str):void # 4 (_4:str) #address SQLexitQuery # 5 (_5:str) #comment "Finalize tracing query performance"; # 6 (_6:str) #command dec_round( v:sht, r:dbl ) :sht # 7 (_7:str) #address sht_dbl_dec_round_wrap # 8 (_8:str) #comment "round off the value v to nearests multiple of r"; # 9 (_9:str) #command dec_round( v:sht, r:int ) :sht # 10 (_10:str) #address sht_int_dec_round_wrap # 11 (_11:str) #comment "round off the value v to nearests multiple of r"; # 12 (_9:str) #command dec_round( v:int, r:dbl ) :int # 13 (_12:str) #address int_dbl_dec_round_wrap # 14 (_13:str) #comment "round off the value v to nearests multiple of r"; # 15 (_9:str) #command dec_round( v:int, r:int ) :int # 16 (_14:str) #address int_int_dec_round_wrap # 17 (_15:str) #comment "round off the value v to nearests multiple of r"; # 18 (_9:str) #command dec_round( v:lng, r:dbl ) :lng # 19 (_16:str) #address lng_dbl_dec_round_wrap # 20 (_17:str) #comment "round off the value v to nearests multiple of r"; # 21 (_9:str) #command dec_round( v:lng, r:int ) :lng # 22 (_18:str) #address lng_int_dec_round_wrap # 23 (_19:str) #comment "round off the value v to nearests multiple of r"; # 24 (_9:str) #command dec_round( v:flt, r:int ) :flt # 25 (_20:str) #address flt_int_dec_round_wrap # 26 (_21:str) #comment "round off the value v to nearests multiple of r"; # 27 (_9:str) #command dec_round( v:dbl, r:int ) :dbl # 28 (_22:str) #address dbl_int_dec_round_wrap # 29 (_23:str) #comment "round off the value v to nearests multiple of r"; # 30 (_9:str) #address CALCstr2sht # 31 (_24:str) #command calc.str( v:sht ) :str # 32 (_25:str) #address CALCsht2str # 33 (_26:str) #comment "Cast sht to str"; # 34 (_27:str) #address CALCstr2int # 35 (_28:str) #command calc.str( v:int ) :str # 36 (_29:str) #address CALCint2str # 37 (_30:str) #comment "Cast int to str"; # 38 (_31:str) #address CALCstr2lng # 39 (_32:str) #command calc.str( v:lng ) :str # 40 (_33:str) #address CALClng2str # 41 (_34:str) #comment "Cast lng to str"; # 42 (_35:str) #command calc.str( v:any_1, digits:int ) :str # 43 (_36:str) #address CALCflt2sht # 44 (_37:str) #address CALCflt2int # 45 (_38:str) #address CALCflt2lng # 46 (_39:str) #address CALCdbl2sht # 47 (_40:str) #address CALCdbl2int # 48 (_41:str) #address CALCdbl2lng # 49 (_42:str) #address CALCsht2sht # 50 (_43:str) #address CALCint2sht # 51 (_44:str) #address CALClng2sht # 52 (_45:str) #address CALCsht2int # 53 (_46:str) #address CALCint2int # 54 (_47:str) #address CALClng2int # 55 (_48:str) #address CALCsht2lng # 56 (_49:str) #address CALCint2lng # 57 (_50:str) #address CALClng2lng # 58 (_51:str) #address CALCsht2flt # 59 (_52:str) #address CALCint2flt # 60 (_53:str) #address CALClng2flt # 61 (_54:str) #address CALCsht2dbl # 62 (_55:str) #address CALCint2dbl # 63 (_56:str) #address CALClng2dbl # 64 (_57:str) sql.prelude(); # 65 SQLprelude (_58:void) sql.start(); # 66 SQLsession (_59:void) end main; # 67 !syntax error, unexpected IDENT in: "include" I'm not sure if this is a bug in the monetdb script or mserver5 itself.