Dear all, We are trying to do a full text search in a database, but we can use some help to get started. A small excerpt from our database is stated below: //=== xquery>doc("ep") <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <eprintsdata xmlns="http://eprints.org/ep2/data"> <record> <field name="eprintid">629</field> <field name="keywords">Model-based on-the-fly Testing, Timed Automata, Real-Time Testing, TorX, Tools.</field> <field name="research_projects">STRESS: Systematic Testing of Real-time Software Systems</field> </record> <record> <field name="eprintid">642</field> <field name="keywords">Compositional modelling, supervisory control</field> <field name="research_projects">HYBRIDGE: Distributed Control and Stochastic Analysis of Hybrid Systems Supporting Safety Critical Real-Time Systems Design</field> </record> </eprintsdata> //=== The PF/Tijah Getting Started page (http://dbappl.cs.utwente.nl/pftijah/Documentation/GettingStarted) mentions we can do a full text query as follows: let $c := collection("MyCollection") for $res in tijah:query($c, "//html[about(., ir db)]") return $res/head/title I believe this way is probably outdated, as tijah:query does not work. To suit our needs, I changed the query to the following form: //=== let $c := collection("ep") for $res in pf:tijah-query($c,"//field[@name='research_projects'][about(., Distributed)]") return $res //=== But this results in the following error: "ERROR = !ERROR: interpret: unknown variable 'collName'" That is why I incorporated the collection name in the query, like this: //=== for $res in pf:tijah-query(ep,"//field[@name='research_projects'][about(., Distributed)]") return $res //=== However, this also does not work, as I get the following error: "ERROR = !illegal reference to context node: at (1,29-1,30): ``.'' is unbound" I have tried numerous of other variations, but neither of them work. Can somebody please help us with an explanation about how we can do a full text search within a certain node or point us at a more recent getting started page (if it already exists)? Kind regards, Sander Bockting