- OS is Debian 7 64-bit, in a VM in VMware virtualization System.
- Hard disk 100G with 26% usage.
- 5 cores.
- 6G RAM.
- Version MonetDB: MonetDB 5 server v11.15.17 "Feb2013-SP5"
- Table: create table (id int, dt date, product varchar (50) .... etc, and another 30 columns between int and varchar.
- Query: select dt, count (id) from table where produtct in (....) group by dt

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 23:16:39 +0200
From: Ying Zhang <Y.Zhang@cwi.nl>
To: "Communication channel for developers of the MonetDB suite."
Cc: users-list@monetdb.org
Subject: Re: MonetDB, data loss in restart server
Message-ID: <6C2903C0-4399-462D-9D3F-822351DE1979@cwi.nl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Hello Luciano,

Thanks for using monetdb, and sorry for the inconvenience.
Would you please give us some background information about your setting:

- which OS?
- hardware spec. of your system
- which monetdb version?
- what does your query do?
- when and how did the database stop?  If the monetdb server stopped, did it give any error message?
- what's at the end of the merovingian log?

With kind regards,


Luciano Sasso Vieira
Gestor - Inteligência de Negócios

luciano@gsgroup.com.br   |   tel: 17 3353-0833   |   cel: 17 9706-9335

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