Thank you – that worked!
sql>select * from testjson;
| chr | pos | value |
| 1 | 209890809 | {"df":1,"pval":4.556021744872574E-6,"r2":0.0995066009518681} |
| 1 | 789383847 | {"df":1,"pval":2.50962115178055E-6,"r2":0.10462833261259474} |
| 2 | 127893782 | {"df":1,"pval":4.2825829011938765E-6,"r2":0.10003907080878045} |
| 2 | 234533212 | {"df":2,"pval":4.556021744872574E-6,"r2":0.0995066009518681} |
4 tuples (4.557ms)
sql>select * from testjson where json."integer"(json.filter(value,'df')) > 1;
| chr | pos | value |
| 2 | 234533212 | {"df":2,"pval":4.556021744872574E-6,"r2":0.0995066009518681} |
1 tuple (2.934ms)
sql>select * from testjson where json."integer"(json.filter(value,'df')) = 1;
| chr | pos | value |
| 1 | 209890809 | {"df":1,"pval":4.556021744872574E-6,"r2":0.0995066009518681} |
| 1 | 789383847 | {"df":1,"pval":2.50962115178055E-6,"r2":0.10462833261259474} |
| 2 | 127893782 | {"df":1,"pval":4.2825829011938765E-6,"r2":0.10003907080878045} |
3 tuples (1.464ms)
From: users-list> on behalf of dinther>
Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users>
Date: Monday, November 21, 2016 at 3:24 PM
To: Communication channel for MonetDB users>
Subject: Re: filter based on json value of key/value pair
The function json.filter(value,'r2') returns a JSON value, not a number.
You probably first need to convert the returned json value to a number, either via:
json."integer"( json.filter(value,'r2')) which returns a bigint
json.number( json.filter(value,'r2')) which returns a float
See also:
On 21-11-2016 18:33, Lynn Carol Johnson wrote:
Hello all -
I’m having trouble pulling rows based on the value of a json key/value pair. I have created a table with a json object that looks like this:
sql>\d testjson
CREATE TABLE "sys"."testjson" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"pos" INTEGER,
"value" JSON
I have entries in the table that look as below:
sql>select * from testjson;
| chr | pos | value |
| 1 | 209890809 | {"df":1,"pval":4.556021744872574E-6,"r2":0.0995066009518681} |
| 1 | 789383847 | {"df":1,"pval":2.50962115178055E-6,"r2":0.10462833261259474} |
| 2 | 127893782 | {"df":1,"pval":4.2825829011938765E-6,"r2":0.10003907080878045} |
| 2 | 234533212 | {"df":2,"pval":4.556021744872574E-6,"r2":0.0995066009518681} |
4 tuples (1.027ms)
I would like to filter on json values. Not the json key, the json key’s value. I can pull json values based on a non-json field, e.g. Grab the pval where chr>1 as below:
sql>select json.filter(value,'r2') as r2Value from testjson where chr=1;
| r2value |
| [0.0995066009518681] |
| [0.10462833261259474] |
2 tuples (1.179ms)
But I want to pull chr/pos where pval < some amount, or df > some number. For example, how would I write the query to select all rows where df > 1? This query should return the last row of the table above. I’ve tried the following:
sql>select * from testjson where (json.filter(value,'df') > 1);
types json(0,0) and tinyint(8,0) are not equal
Thanks for your help - Lynn
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