xxiao wrote:
I am a beginner of MonetDB. I want to run TPC-H benchmark on MonetDB. I found there are SQL queries and related files under monetdb source folder <monetdb-source>/sql/src/benchmark/tpch. I ran the script 'run.all'. But that gave me many errors and did not succeed. Can anyone describe briefly the steps I need to carry out in order to run TPC-H benchmark? Any documentations I can refer to is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Dear Xxiao The platform you are working on should be reported to be more specific on the answer. The TPC-H benchmarks work on Linux systems. They are ran every night with the Mtest.py utility. The results are visible on the web: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/testing/projects/monetdb/Current/sql5/.mTests103/index... Please have a look at your installation and ensure yourself that the system is installed properly. Thereafter, you might use Mtest.py --help for more information.