Hi list, I'm using MonetDB/XQuery to run queries on sets of XML documents of all kinds (build files, process descriptions). These sets can range from a few dozen to a few thousand documents, so the speed of MonetDB can be a real boon. However, when shredding these documents there may be a few errors. Sometimes a namespace URI is reported as not well formed, sometimes shredding 'hangs' (esp. when using the batch-import method from the manual), sometimes I can't find a reason. After such an error, the database seems to be corrupted. Sometimes queries for which collections are in the database give errors, sometimes an XPath query doesn't finish. In most cases, the ERROR=.... from mclient doesn't give a proper error (ascii garbage). I reallize these reports are vague. However, even though this happens a lot, reproducing the exact sequence can be hard. (Importing a few 100 documents, waiting for the import error to occur, using the right query to trigger the error...) But as it is now, I don't even know if these things are known, have work-arounds, or require fixing the xml documents upfront. Are there people on the list with experience with this that are willing to help me out? Regards, Xander.