Hi Sébastien,
Are these functions documented somewhere?
There is currently no MonetDB documentation on the built-in SQL scalar functions. It is on our ToDo-list. However most SQL scalar functions conform to standard SQL and behave similar to other RDBMS. Alternatively you can query following sys tables to find out which functions and arguments exist: select * from sys.functions; select * from sys.args; See also: https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/SQLcatalog/Functions%2C%20arguments%2C... Regards, Martin van Dinther On 29-10-15 10:46, Sébastien RAILLARD (PASSMAN) wrote:
Dear all,
Is there a way to concatenate more than 2 strings at once? The CONCAT function only allow for concatenating 2 strings.
Also, hhe JDBC driver for MonetDB reports that the following string functions are supported (see the list below). Are these functions documented somewhere?
ascii char_length character_length code concat copyfrom difference editdistance editdistance2 get_value_for ilike index insert lcase left length levenshtein like locate lower lpad ltrim next_value_for not_ilike not_like octet_length patindex qgramnormalize repeat replace restart right rpad rtrim similarity soundex space splitpart strings substring trim truncate ucase upper
Best regards, Sebastien