Hello Stefan,
indeed, these instructions do not clearly specify that configuring MonetDB/XQuery requires that (1) MonetDB is installed on your system (2) "--with-monet=<prefix>" and/or "--with-mx=<prefix>/bin/Mx" in case "<prefix>/bin" is not in your PATH, where "<prefix>" is the directory that was specified with "--prefix=<prefix>" when configuring MonetDB (the default for "<prefix>" is "/usr").
We'll update the documentation. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Absolutely no problem, I'll appreciate the very quick response from all of you.
Did you try again with these options? Does it work now?
Yes, everything works OK now. A few other remarks. Compiling MonetDB. The makefile in <builddir>/src/mapi/clients/java contains an error in the JAVACFLAGS. The -0 (or -O?) option gives the error Directory not found. After removing it, compiling was OK. The same for <builddir>/src/mapi/examples/java. Testing MonetDB-XQuery front end. The make check fails with Mtest.py Warning: No tests found in [<myHomeDir>/pathfinder-0.8.2]! I ignored it and continued with make install. Everything seems to work OK. Peter van der Kamp