Hi All,
Could you please help me to solve the following error? When I try to
install monetdb I have the following error:
* fatal error: *geos_c.h: No such file or directory
*My steps used to compile monetdb src and to install monetdb are:*
a. Environment setup:
$ export MonetDB_rel=July2017
$ export MonetDB_ver=11.27.5
$ export MonetDB_base_dir=$HOME/MonetDB-$MonetDB_rel
$ export MonetDB_source_dir=$MonetDB_base_dir/MonetDB-$MonetDB_ver
$ export MonetDB_build_dir=$MonetDB_base_dir/BUILD
$ export MonetDB_prefix_dir=$MonetDB_base_dir
$ mkdir $MonetDB_base_dir
$ cd $MonetDB_base_dir
b. Download the latest version:
$ wget
$ tar xf MonetDB-$MonetDB_ver.tar.xz
c. Build:
$ mkdir $MonetDB_build_dir
$ cd $MonetDB_build_dir
$ MonetDB_source_dir/configure --prefix=$MonetDB_prefix_dir
d. Install:
$ make -j 20 (error mentioned above occurs here)
$ make -j 20 install