17 Oct
17 Oct
8:16 a.m.
Shajon, 1. Do you have any evidence in terms of experiments that shows that MonetDB is slow(er) due to not allowing to set multiple variables in a select clause? Can you give example queries and their performance? 2. >From you rather short description, we cannot say much about this. Beware that your systems state may have a significant influence on performance, e.g., - for point (single value select) predicates, the first query builds a has table, while subsequent queries benefit from this hash table; - the first query needs to load the data from disk, while subsequent queries might benefit from (parts of) the data already/still being in memory; in MonetDB itself while the server is running, or in the OS's filesystem cache even after a server restart; - etc. Best, Stefan Shajonwrote: From: Shajon [mailto:alam@finEngine.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 1:47 PM To: 'users-list@monetdb.org' Subject: FW: problem with monetdb functionality From: Shajon [mailto:alam@finEngine.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:49 PM To: 'info@monetdb.com' Subject: problem with monetdb functionality Hi, I am using monetdb to process millions of records. now I am getting two problem 1. I could not set multiple variable in select query in a function or procedure. For example: select @var1=col1, @var2=col2 from table_name. as like sql server or Sybase database. If I could do ,it would reduce considerable amount of time for some function execution. So do I need to write MAL or any other way? 2. Sometimes same query takes different time in different moment. For example a query at the starting time of server takes 2ms and 10 hours later it takes 14s. if I close & restart server & client its ok. Can anyone suggest me what can I do? Thanks Shajon _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org http://mail.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list