Hello Makoto,
let $gb-hit := $gb_entry/BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit, $gb-key := $gb-hit/Hit_gb/text() return let $genbank-remote-entries := execute at {$remote-endpoint} { test:q1($gb-key) }
I forgot to say that you need to wrap "$gb-hit/Hit_gb/text()" into the fn:data() function before those values can be passed to "test:q1". This is a restriction of the current implementation of XRPC. The values you get by selecting the "text()" child node are of the type "untypedAtomic". XRPC currently does not cast eash untypedAtomic to the expected atomic type, hence, you need to add a fn:data() to do this. I will add this cast later in XRPC's implementation. Sorry for the inconvenience! Jennie