2 Mar
2 Mar
4:37 a.m.
Hi, I'm trying to bulk load data into monetdb through COPY INTO statement on the fly. I've created an aggregator script that will create a session and send chunk of data using MAPI interface. Like this: "sCOPY INTO foo FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS ',','\\n';" //+ "\n" + "100,10,0,'10'\n" + "\n" I've been following this example: http://dev.monetdb.org/hg/MonetDB/file/tip/java/example/SQLcopyinto.java (haven't tested) I planned to add as part of the monetdb nodejs module: https://github.com/MonetDB/monetdb-nodejs/issues/1 but seems to be out of the scope of that repository. Sadly I'm not getting any error just doesn't work. What's the correct way ? Thanks.