Hi, I try to use geometries in different reference systems but i don't get the expected results. I create a table with geometries and insert 2 points with different SRID. sql>create table geom(id int, g geometry); operation successful sql>insert into geom values(1, GeomFromText('POINT(100 100)', 4326)); operation successful sql>insert into geom values(2, GeomFromText('POINT(100 100)', 27700)); operation successful When i ask for these SRID i get the same (0) for every point. sql>select id, srid(g) from geom; +------+--------+ | id | srid_g | +======+=+ | 2 | 0 | | 1 | 0 | +------+--------+ Also, if i ask whether these points overlap i don't get the right result. sql>select equals(g1.g, g2.g) from geom g1, geom g2 where g1.id=1 and g2.id =2; +-----------------+ | overlaps_g | +========+ | true | +-----------------+ 1 tuple (4.119ms) I have noticed that function wkbFromText (in file geom/monetdb5/geom.mx), which is used in SQL functions GeomFromText, PointFromText e.t.c., returns a wkb datatype (defined in geom/lib/libgeom.mx) which has not any field for srid. Is srid stored somewhere else (e.g. as metadata of a geometry collumn)? Generally, does monetdb supports different reference systems? If no, will this feature be added ? -- George Garbis