Dear all, thank you very much for frankly reporting your expereiences with MonetDB! Being aware that is is not (yet?) "perfect" (;-)) on all platforms, we are very interested in and rely on detailed reports about usage scenarios, experiences, and problems to be able to do our best (given our resources) to improve MonetDB (even further ;-)). @ Scott: Did you get any error messages with your crashes, or did MonetDB (mserver5.exe) just "disappear"? If the former, could you please share the excat error meaages with us? Moreover, would it be possible to share the schema (and data?) of your first 17 tables (or at least table 17) as well as the very quer(y|ies) that (preceeded and) triggered the crashes with us? @ Kirk: Very interesting point. On Linux, we already do produce separate packages to install all parts seperately, relying on the very systems' tools (yum, etc.) to handle dependecies to still be able to install "everything" with a single command --- on Windows, for now we only distribute the ODBC driver as separate package ("installer"), still looking for a feasible way to (a) produce individual installers automatically (read: non interactively, i.e., perferably using non-interactive commandline-based tools), incl. a "meta-installer" that takes care of maintaining dependencies and (hence) allows users to easily install single parts (clients) as well as the whole package in a single command (or at a single click for that matter) --- while keeping our "verhead" to produce the actual packages/installers at a minimum... While we assume that such functionality (which has been standard in the Unix world for a long time) must also exist in the Windows world, we have not yet been able to find any suitable and working solution... Any constructive hints are more than welcome! Best regards, Stefan On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:43:58AM -0500, Kirk Abbott wrote:
I have to agree with dariuszs. I had all kinds of flaky behavior under windows including crashes, database corruption, incorrect answers etc. If one follows the threads on this mailing list, most of the errors/issues appear on the Windows platform.
I too have gotten rock solid performance on Linux.
BTW, it may useful to split the windows distribution into 'client-only' so that one can still use mclient from windows while the DB lives on Linux.
dariuszs wrote:
Hi, The problem is Windows, I tried to get working on that platform for about 3 months and I finally gave up. I've installed MonetDB on Linux and it's rock solid. Dariusz.
gsd wrote:
Hi all,
My monetdb server (MonetDB server v5.10.2, based on kernel v1.28.2) crashes on me in a reproducible fashion. I'm generally (but not always) accessing it via JDBC. I have 100 tables, each containing just less than 4 million records.
Crash 1: - I'm testing retrieval speeds. When I hit table 17 or 18 the server crashes.
Crash 2: - I'm testing insertion speeds. Again when I hit table 17 or 17 the server crashes. I'm only inserting about 1000 records per table. I've tried it via "COPY INTO" and via batch INSERT statments.
Crash 3: - Using the Mclient.exe application I manually selected 5000 rows from each table. When I hit the 17th table the server crashed again. I accessed the tables in a different order to the above programmatic crashes to try and eliminate this being due to a particular table. Also, this crash also eliminates this being a JDBC-related issue.
So, I'm wondering if this may be a known windows issue, or perhaps a Vista issue? Could it be due to some server internal limit being hit as it loads and caches tables? Are there any server logs I can examine?
Any ideas?
Thanks, Scott
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-- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |