Dear all, Is there a way to concatenate more than 2 strings at once? The CONCAT function only allow for concatenating 2 strings. Also, hhe JDBC driver for MonetDB reports that the following string functions are supported (see the list below). Are these functions documented somewhere? ascii char_length character_length code concat copyfrom difference editdistance editdistance2 get_value_for ilike index insert lcase left length levenshtein like locate lower lpad ltrim next_value_for not_ilike not_like octet_length patindex qgramnormalize repeat replace restart right rpad rtrim similarity soundex space splitpart strings substring trim truncate ucase upper Best regards, Sebastien -- Parc d'activité Tolstoï 4 rue Edouard Aynard 69100 Villeurbanne Tél. +33 (0)4 78 95 05 80 Fax +33 (0)4 78 95 00 17 www.passman.fr www.passman-hotels.com www.passman-camping.com www.passman-sante.com https://www.facebook.com/PASSMAN-187787814053/